... THE FAUX FAE - Faux meaning an imitation - Fae meaning fairy = I'm a fairy wanna-be!

... Subjects to include: All things Romantic, French, Cottage, and Shabby Chic, my life and humor.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What I'm about

I recently became aware of the practice of “up cycling” old and unwanted clothing and items.  That will be my main topic of this blog.   But in addition to that, I will be sharing with you other people’s work, with credits, that inspire me.

Yesterday I shared the link to my very favorite blogger I have run across so far.  She, with help from her MR, is turning her whole home into a romantic shabby chic masterpiece.  It is gorgeous and I wish I had the money to hire her [although I don't think she has time to do more than she already is.]

She is my shabby chic idol! J

I don’t know if what I have to share will be of benefit or entertainment to anyone (other than myself of course; I'm my own best source of entertainment) but I’m going to give it a try anyway. As I shared yesterday, I have an ebay store.  I am going to open a zazzle.com store soon as well as an etsy.com store.  As I open them I will post a link for you here in case you're interested.  For the most part, what I will be creating and sharing with you here will then end up available for purchase in one of my stores in case anyone would want it.

Today I’m going to share with you some images from Miss Gracie’s House that sparked my imagination and started me on the road to creating this blog: (now is the point that I have to go to the help pages to find out how to insert images because I HAVE NO CLUE!) In the meantime, check out what she had to say in one of her posts:

“I'm going to share a post from 2 years ago.
I think it fits with the 
pinterest debate that is going around[note: it also is a very interesting read]
are you
a trend setter or or a trend follower?
These words have been rattling
around inside my head...
ever since my daughter said
"mom, you're such a copycat"...
There are a few out there that set  the trends
most of us  follow them.
I confess...I am a follower.
Take the new issue of Romantic Homes
for instance...
I saw the cover and 
loved it...
so I took the idea and made a few changes
changes that suit us
pink candy corn and cinnamon bears
Then I added in some things I really 
and finished with this
I'm bringing this up because
there are so many wonderful ideas out there...
...some that I have been pondering for quite some time...
...waiting for me to get the courage to try...
and I feel it (the courage) coming.
If some of it ends up looking a little familiar,
Remember: Imitation is the highest form of flattery...
but I'm trying to give it my 
as I get my wings it will become more and more me...
Thank you
so much for your kind words of encouragementon my collage project!You are giving me my wings...and I am flying high....know that I appreciate you all......even if I don't always say so...I have so many plans...big plans...and they are keeping me busy...now to land and finish the dishes...”

You can find her original post by clicking HERE.  I only share this page of hers with you because I could not have said it better myself: 

“There are a few out there that set the trends and most of us follow them.
I confess...I am a follower.”

“So I took the idea and made a few changes. Changes that suit (me)”

“I'm bringing this up because there are so many wonderful ideas out there... ...some that I have been pondering for quite some time... ...waiting for me to get the courage to try... and I feel it (the courage) coming.  If some of it ends up looking a little familiar, remember: 
Imitation is the highest form of flattery... but I'm trying to give it my look... as I get my wings it will become more and more me...”

And in doing this, maybe I will become one of those trendsetters I now follow.

I have all these ideas in my head and I need a way of setting them down in black and white (or blue and pink in this case lol) I have so many that I don’t have the resources to buy all the little tools and such that I would need to complete some of them.  You might ask why not just do the ones you do have the tools and equipment to complete? Well, I don’t have a good enough reason!  And that fact is driving my sweetie up a wall!  I really don’t blame him; I would be upset with him too if he did the same thing. It must be part of the anxiety I experience in certain situations.  I AM AFRAID I WILL FAIL! So if I don’t complete the project, it won’t be a flop!  Now, even though I know this, it doesn’t help me get off my butt and get busy finishing some of the projects I have started.  Actually, I’m hoping starting this blog will MAKE me finish the projects so that I can share them with whoever decides to follow my blog (and to keep sweetie from strangling me!)  Accountability….gotta love it!  J

Here are those images of hers that I promised!  Her logo alone is an inspiration in itself!

Now that wasn't hard at all!  I love blogger.com!

HERE is the link to her entire page of the above images:.

And even more of her genius HERE. Gosh I love that bedroom!

Go ahead and cruise through her blog and you will also see the amazing things she (and her MR) have done with the rest of their home! If you're like me you're going to become a new follower of hers!

Ok, now to go create a decent logo for this blog! Happy crafting!


  1. Thank you for stopping by and following my blog, I can't wait to see what you have in store for us here! Just a quick ???, are you able to add your follow box here on the blog, I'd love to add you and follow along to see where we are going! If you need help, seeing that you are fairly new- don't hesitate to ask!
    Your friend from tiarasandbowties.blogspot.com

  2. Thank you so much Kimberly! I love your blog and would love for you to follow me but I have no clue how to add my follow box! lol And for that matter, how do I officially follow you? I'm a total newbie at this! Thanks again!


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