... THE FAUX FAE - Faux meaning an imitation - Fae meaning fairy = I'm a fairy wanna-be!

... Subjects to include: All things Romantic, French, Cottage, and Shabby Chic, my life and humor.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My first blog post!!!!! OMG

Wow, am I really doing this?  Me a blogger?  This is just way too cool.  I will try to actually post my first REAL blog post later tonight or tomorrow!  I'm too ADD/OCD (not really but kinda) to type freeform.  I have to type it out and then edit first... and edit and edit and edit some more! LOL 

But in the meantime, here is a link to my Shabby Chic Hero's blog: She is my idol!


Oh, I almost forgot!  If you want to follow me on Pinterest my username is 

Denna (WLWK4FD) Merritt

CLICK HERE to go to my ebay store (nothing Shabby Chic in there yet)

Thank you for stopping by and please come back to see me often!


I welcome your comments and always look forward to reading them! Thank you!